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"The greatest gifts we can give our children are the roots of responsibility and the wings of independence."                       -Maria Montessori

 General Information


University Montessori School, established in 1978, is a not for profit pre-primary school dedicated to the Montessori philosophy and method of education. We have two complete and individual classrooms: a twenty month to three-year-old class and a combination 3 to 6 year old preschool, transitional, and kindergarten class. We follow the standard New Orleans private school calendar. Extended care hours are available on the days we are open. Additionally, we offer two summer camp programs, Camp Cricket and The Children's Summer House, running from two weeks after school closes in the spring until two weeks before school opens in the fall.  Above all, we strive for an open, friendly, and happy relationship with students and parents.


 Our Philosophy


University Montessori School devotes itself to the total child; him or her emotional, social, intellectual, and physical well-being. A child-centered classroom is the basis of the Montessori approach. In each prepared environment, the child has the opportunity to progress at his or her own rate and reach the potential that each child carries within him or her. Through the use of the materials in the classroom and the careful guidance of the Montessori teacher, the child has a successful classroom experience. One success builds upon another thus increasing self-esteem and self-confidence. By combining age groups in the preschool, transitional, and kindergarten class, the children develop a sense of community. The younger children teach the older children patience and empathy and give them a feeling of competency. The older children provide the younger children with role models and assistance with their work and classroom adjustment giving them a chance to practice leadership roles. Through individual and group activities and class routine, the child experiences decision making, concern for his or her and others rights, independent thinking, and personal responsibility.


UMS faculty members are titled "guides", just as they are in many Montessori programs. Montessori guides are specially-trained in child development and determining what each child needs through careful observation. Guides are usually trained in both Montessori curriculum and philosophy to ensure the most authentic Montessori experience for your child.



 Mission Statement


University Montessori School exists to serve effectively a broad spectrum of  children, ages twenty months through kindergarten. We are dedicated to the Montessori philosophy and method of education. The faculty is trained and equipped to implement the Montessori approach in the classroom.


Our purpose is to help develop the full potential inside each child. We want each child to acquire the skills necessary to become a competent and capable student.


Our goal is to provide each child with a positive and productive experience in preschool. Through the use of the materials in the classroom and the careful guidance of the Montessori teacher, the child has a successful classroom experience. One success builds upon another thus increasing self-esteem and self-confidence. Through individual and group activities and class routine, the child experiences decision making, concern for his or her and others rights, independent thinking, and personal responsibility. All of this leads the child to feel they are an active and important part of his or her school community and his or her own unique learning experience.

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